‘During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.’ George Orwell
‘The end is where we start from.’ T.S. Eliot
‘There is nothing that music cannot do, as long as it remains music.’ W.A. Mozart
‘Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.’ André Gide
‘True art matters because it puts us in touch with what we really are, and enables us to live on that higher plane where freedom and fulfilment are given.’ Roger Scruton
‘History shows that evolution, however slow, is inevitable; but rather than allow it to take its course as passive spectators, oblivious or unobservant, we should play a conscious role.’ Pierre Boulez
‘Es gibt im Grunde nur ein Problem in der Welt, und es hat diesen Namen: Wie bricht man durch? Wie kommt man ins Freie? Wie sprengt man die Puppe und wird zum Schmetterling?’ Thomas Mann, ‘Doktor Faustus’
‘Ein glückhaft Wünschen macht mich froh / Nach Freuden, die ich lang verachtet;’ Albert Giraud / Otto Hartleben (from Arnold Schönberg’s ‘Pierrot Lunaire’)
‘Torniamo all’ antico: sarà un progresso.’ Giuseppe Verdi